Thursday, January 12, 2012

All life is a safari

I was blessed to share a meal tonight with a few people who love and have loved Africa for much longer and with much more vigor than I have.  As we spent some time in prayer before leaving, someone said (with that tone you get in your voice when you're smiling and talking), that all life is a safari.  And I couldn't help but love the implications of that statement.  Life is a safari, a journey, one that will take you to unexpected places, involve you in the lives of the most unexpected people, ask of you the most unexpected things, and reveal to you the most unexpected wonders.
And it is with this understanding that I go.
This part of life will take me to Iringa, Tanzania for three months to study East Africa - it's culture, history, people, environment, language. 
With snow just beginning to find it's place here on Ohio's earth, I'll soon escape to live beside rivers, to sleep in huts, and forget to wear shoes...and to seek the Lord in parts of His creation never before seen with my eyes.
...and I hope to share these wonders with you, my dear friends.  My intent is to keep track of my time in Tanzania here so that I don't have to re-tell all my stories when I come home :)  Contact may be inconsistent, but hopefully rich nonetheless. 
May you enjoy the creation set before you, and marvel at the beauty of the safari.      

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear of your safe arrival and wonderful start to an amazing experience. Be assured that our prayers. Just soak it all in and share the love of Christ - something you do so well.
